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German court rules “Jewish swine icon” on church is here to stay.
Yud Aleph Shvat 5780/6.2.2020. Cologne Germany.
Tonight I came across a news item that got me going. The fundamental vacuum of morality in Germany and in ALL countries must be filled — with Torah. As the courts have decided now in a court case led by a German convert to Judaism from Berlin that the antisemitic iconic “Jewish swine” affixed to a church in Wittenberg must remain — and its deeper meaning being the blasphemous idea that the “Jewish G-d” is a swine — when in reality the Living G-d of Israel is the G-d of ALL Jews, ALL Germans and ALL Human Beings. He the G-d of Israel and the Giver of the Torah is also the G-d of the Cosmos.
He prohibits through His One Divine Law, the 7 Noahide Laws such entrenched human behaviors (in unconsciousness) as murder, suicide, defamation of character, public shaming and scolding, theft, petty theft, identity theft, robberies, and the “cum/ex” massive $ 12 Billion theft of public funds here in Europe. What else. Incest, that is to say forced sexual abuse of one’s one underage children. Rape, adultery e.g. relations with a married woman, bestiality (yes, leave the poor sheep alone), prostitution, and uncomfortable and not politically correct, homosexuality. Why — how come. Is not the meaning of democracy, that we ALL do as we please.
No friends. Democracy is over. Why. It has never worked in ending humanity’s evil, it has perpetuated and legalized and commercialized mankind’s evil which in its root is…