Member-only story
I want everything to stop….
My two adult sons living in my home one 26 and one turning 30 in 5 days not working not studing one on the spectrum the other quite unreliable “impaired judgement”…
People who are in a Psychiatric ward texting me about looking for a pro bono lawyer having been denied release already 3 times…
The Plandemic for sure I want that to stop…also the shouting from Mosques towers of the 2 neighbouring Arab villages “Allah Akbar” in the middle of the night.
Money somehow always dwindling back to zero. Psychics who email me and promise a conplete turnaround and then want either $ 49 or € 69 or more.
My 82 year old mother calling once or twice a day from her old age home in Cologne Germany and saying each day “I need you — I love you — You look beautiful — call your brother please — I am having constipation for days on end…” this has been going on for 2 full years now or 720 days or what on earth am I doing being everyone’s caretaker???
5 children caring for them for 30 years non stops with none of my 3 adult sons (ages 30, 29 and 26) showing any signs of adult independence like working — studying — doing sonething constructive with their lives…
I want everything to stop. I am changing this movie in which my own life is on hold at age 58 — really on hold. I want out and I will find a way for myself…
Its either sink or swim now — i no longer want to carry the burden of anyone on my back. Its over I am DONE.