Member-only story
Prepare before the disaster: before your smart-phone is stolen or lost — a lesson for handling one’s as extension of SELF responsibly.
The day: Tuesday November 5th 2019. The place: subway 12 departing Rudolfplatz, Cologne — Germany. The crime: my mobile smartphone Samsung Jk is snatched from the front pocket of my handbag. The immediate action: call 116116 “Konto Notsperrung” or “Emergency Account and Card Lock-down.
The phone was purchased in Israel, in my hometown Beitar Illit, in May as a new device. In its cover I had my German ID card, my mother’s Girocard — cash card to her local Cologne account. I had arrived in Germany on October 28th when my brother had informed me that he had found her age 80 sitting in front of her bed and called an ambulance in the morning of October 8th — in Israel this was Yom Kippur eve. I had just had my mom sign over to me power of attorney to her account. She had given me the access code to her account — and that piece of paper was in the flap with the numbers still on it. In short too many mistakes for the whole thing to be funny.
Alright her card was locked immediately with the local emergency number. I went over to the Polizeipraesidium or Police Headquarters, subway stop Kalk Post. On the way I mentally reviewed my other mistakes, that now were creating a bigger and bigger problem. Upon purchase I had failed to synchronize with Google my contacts and my pictures. Also I had failed to register the phone with Samsung or set up the WhatsApp Synchronization…