Shalom dear Kassim
Here is Hannah Porat from Beitar Illit in Gush Etzion in Israel - a town of 88,000 Jewish people (80% of which are under 18! which is why its called "The City of Children" and we peacefully provide access to the Residents of the 500 m across the road "Arab Village" of Husan - possibly descendants of Jews - 9000 residents many with the last name of "Sabbateen" possibly identifying them as "Shabbat observers" they can ride in on their donkeys to the fields between Beitar Hill A and B (there is also Hill C now) .
And yes we have a cooperation set up by Phil (from London) and Marc (from New York)both of Zur Hadassah - after our Givah C - together with Ziad Sabateen of Hussan who is a Sufi and has set up in Hussan the "Citizens watch group" (generally calle "Kitat Hitkonnenut" כיתת התכוננות) so that the people mostly youngsters of Hussan - have stopped throwing rocks at Israeli cars on road 375 returning from work in Jerusalem City to the city of Beitar Illit and the smaller City of Zur Hadassah - built originally for the medical staff of Hadassah Hospital. See Marc Chagall Windows plus the behind the scenes reality that when people from Lebanon, Egypt and Westbank need Operations/treatments - they do come as private patients under the Radar to hospitals in Israel.
My dream as a German Jewish woman living technically in an Israeli "settlement" as Beitar Hill A is "over the Green Line" while Beitar Hill B is "within the Green Line" is to make a Visually Moving and Even Breathtaking Film of our "Bermuda Triangle" of Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Beitar - who believe that the Messiah will only come when all the Souls have Reincarnated and so average family size is 6 to 8 children - often more - and Life around G-d - Torah and our fellow people - then the Arab Village of Husan - an origin story of immigration from a Muslim area in Russia by foot - and Zur Hadassah the rich people's Suburb with Horse Riding Stables and Tennis Courts but no postoffice, no bank, and no health-care service branches so for that they come to Beitar as well as for our "American style" food-heaven supermarket where in 2021 -2022 I worked for a year as a Social Experiment - together with Palestinians from Hebron, Bethlechem (many of them unemployed and out of income then due to Corona Men-made Pandemic) like lawyers in Sharia Law, a biology teacher that only made 3000 nis not enough, the former Guest Relations Manager of the Bethlechem "Intercontinental" serving once the Christian Tourists from Europe and USA, also people from Nachalin - or what Beitar residents also refer to as a "Hostile Arab village" across the valley - with a by-pass road to them only from the Village of Hussan - but 0 access from 750 m away Beitar - so not one resident of Beitar has yet been to Nachalin nor do they come to our town. If the movie in 2022 would have been "Eat - Pray - Love (e.g. get and stay married and raise the Children to full Humanity e.g. Consciousness) and THINK" like how come we all believe in getting married and having children as our supreme Goal in Life - as here both Jewish and Arabic residents in Israel are in complete agreement.. as well as we can agree on "Our daily meals and our human need to secure sufficient food for all the People - and we obviously live in close proximity within the Same Gush Etzion Region SouthWest of Jerusalem and all travel on the same Route 60 into the City - yes unfair that our Cousins in Hussan and Nachalin have to be married and over 55 to do that, so the film now would be less about the food and its preparation, or the Wedding or Circumcision feasts, or Bar Mitzvah etc..
It would be about May 19 2024 - the fact that 2000 Arabs who came to work in Beitar as Construction workers, supermarket cashiers, etc were all banned from entry in the Aftermath of the Hamas attack in Southern Israel's communities - about what is going on inside Husan now 7 months under army closure - the people there without income and under army closure - during Pessach I brought some Wheat products to one guy trying to sell eggs on the 375 bypass road to drivers heading to Zur Hadassah - the GoFundMe campaign set up by Marc together with friends of Hussan in Mexico - so we can get them money to buy food - and it would be about the Attempt by our Jerusalem "Etgar" - Challenge - group supposed to meet with Mario the head this week in Jerusalem - to get a NEW Innovative Security Label " White Heart" or Lev Lavan לב לבן going that in cooperation of all 3 communities profiles the working men from Hussan based on 1. An honor pledge that "I am coming to work from 7:30 to 16:30 - no talking to women, no sabotage, no witchcraft, no requests for extra money or gifts - just straightforward positive labor" which then Inshallah the Israeli army administrators would verify together with our smart team from "Challenge" (Mario) based on hard evidence (previous track record, phone/internet history, the local Village patrol team doing its own assessments) and thus be able to soon restore our Vital Local Workforce of 2000 Palestinians to continue construction on many unfinished projects all across "Children's Town Beitar" - as we have suffered from increasing problems with garbage that stayed in bins for a whole week to overflow, this then attracting roaming packs of dogs from Hussan and Nachalin (they don't care about religious differences or the Messiah or the War just looking for food).
And the film would be about me the somewhat lonly Women Social Entrepeneur and Senior Partner of Israeli Start-Up Macrotech residing for 28 years in Beitar (and a single mother of 4 sons all single and aged 32, 31, 29 and 20) who will Brand and Promote the Humanomics (sm) Vision all across The Levant for the Next Decade - both the Individual Solution of Identity Resolution and The Integration of Labor (sm) for Economic Redemption of the Well-trained yet underemployed Jews and Arabs in our NEW Telework Enterprise called Macrotech (sm) to deliver the Future Vision for the Entire Levant still Inflamed by Identity Politics and Fertility Politics - what we call "The End of War Forever - or Uprooting the Human Killer Program through Sustainable Human Development (SHD) Policy and Legal Reforms - and Serious Investments" in our serious 10 year plan 2024 - 2034 to bebuild the badly battered positive Spirit of the Levant .
And unify our Love of The Land, Life, our Family, our fellow people and G-d (a code word for Infinite Consciousness we have access to when we get quiet enough to hear our Own Soul speaking the Thoughts of G-d in our Mind - we called it "Receiving, to Give" (sm) .
And so we can ALL eat Breakfast, Lunch and Supper and have a good night's sleep before the Sun rises again for another Blessed Day in the Levant and we finally wake up to Real Peace and Create a Do it yourself Redemption - without the Needless Interference of the other side..
The drama in the film will be provided by the Counterpoint between the struggling to eat and live people of Husan and Beitar - tasked with a religious comnandment to "Be fruitful and multiply - for G-d" yet we need jobs/work/money/a functioning abor market etc all wo-men made Social Goods - and the Heroine (me) the Exotic German-Jewish-American Social Entrepeneur fundraising - first $ 500,000 from local with-it prosperous Israelis to empower me to Lobby our Humanomics (sm) Vision for Israel 2024 - 2034 - to successfully uproot the Human Killer Program - or the Problem of Behavioral Unconsciousness and the Ommission of the Authentic Self that results from it and sure as science will result in increasing Violent Behaviors and Extremism..see now the Gaza Fiasko - the biggest men-made Disaster in our Region - aided and abetted by 10 EU governments - Iran and the US ($ 42 Billion from 1992 invested in aid to the people in the Gaza strip and also a Russian crypto-currency exchange
($ 83 Million in donations from Hamas) plus Cash donations from Qatar and Iran - now the fate of a Jewish young man in Teheran, Iran (he murdered an Iranian -in lack of Self-control it happens - one of my sons once also threatened to kill his older brother , when he threw his I-Phone into the trash - in my hysteria as a Single Mother with no Husband to manage these family squabbles - I did call the Police and they did take the Older Brother out - as Beitar's motto at the Security Gate states "No Internet - and no movies - that is the Happy Life!" - anyway in Teheran the family is ready to forgive and accept money "koffer" - the regime has post-poned the Execution until monday- perhaps they will ask for their Iranian general now captured by Israeli army in Gaza back to Teheran and save the Jewish youngster?
Me and my friend prayed on Friday night Leil Shabbat the Psalm 21 for him to be spared and I continue each and every day to Pray that we all Choose Life and Start putting beautiful and positive Ideas and Knowledge into our Own Minds and the Minds of our Children and Students.
And that we can in this way at last FREE the Levant from the Sickness of the Soul that is Alienation, Toxic men-made Ideologies, Violence, and senseless,Hatred and instead live with Implementing now our Humanomics - making/educating and Training "Better" e.g. Conscious Human Beings.
Looking for Partners to Invest Seed-Money of $ 5 M (also possible in Rapid Online Crowd Funding) to Deliver a Truly Great Feature Movie to Present the Entire Tool-Kit of Macrotech (sm) - with Daily Life in the Triangle of Husan - Zur Hadasah - and Beitar as the Back-Drop...Spiritual Visionary Educational Docu-Drama at its best! Work fast - just do it.
Contact me at: or +972-52-465-7070.
Blessings, and Shalom!
Senior Partner - Macrotech (sm) - Beitar Illit
delivering the Humanomics (sm) Vision for a Conscious Middle East and at last Good Governance in the Levant.