Member-only story
Society requires a new operating system: Humanomics (sm) 2020 — Part I
This story is about the new science of “Humanomics (sm)”, its author Yehoshua Ya’akov of New Jersey/Jerusalem and the redemption that is in progress.
The Torah (Bible, 5 books of Moses, Scriptures) states that human beings have a higher status (capacity) than angels. This is because they actually live in a physical body on planet earth. There is a story in the Jewish sacred scriptures, which describes a group of 12 men sent by Moses to explore the Land of Israel. He sent them ahead of everyone else to explore the Promised Land, which he himself would never enter, to have a good look at their intended Divine destiny. Among the many things they noticed were the so-called Anakim, descendants of the Nefilim — angels that came down on a volunteer mission to redeem planet earth from the corruption humanity had fallen into at that time. You know the usual stuff: theft, murder, immorality….
The angels were certain that they would succeed in getting people back on the right track, however once they were on the earth plane, they also got corrupted and fell in love with some women in the area. They married them and had children with them, and these were the Anakim encountered by the Jewish group of 12 men. This tour group called the Spies (Meraglim) perceived in the Anakim a drastic, stark reminder of their own…