Sunday May 19th 2024
He brings a Clear Explanation as to reasons for why until now the Conflict has been Unsolvable
And suggest that the Person who provides A Solution to the Conflict that CAN actually be Implemented - Merit the Nobel Prize.
In Full Confidence and with 33 Years and many Tears of Living in the Land of Israel under the Chronic Threat of Violence and Terror from all Angles - yet also under the Wings of Divine Providence "The Shechinah" at all times 24/7/365 it can be stated:
We call it the Humanomics (sm) Vision for Uprooting the Generic Human Killer Program through Urgently needed Educational, Legal and Tax money controlling NEW policies & rules for ALL of the "Donor Countries " that via their "Humanitarian Aid" have Aided and Abetted Hamas since its inception - to Begin its War of Total Destruction of Israel and its Jewish People.
As we must end the Absolute Illegal Crime of the Funneling of Public Funds of all the Major Western Democracies (10 EU Countries + US $ 42 Billion into Gaza Strip - since 1992 and no Coherent Educational or Labor Market Sustainable Human Development (SHD) Policies in place, no clear goals, metrics no controls, no fact checking, no monitoring by US personnel on the Ground, no positive Rewards for Gazans working in aConstructive Long-Range Strategy for A Future Worth Living For.
Identity Resolution (IR) and Humanomics (sm) Solutions for Delivery Superior Education, Healthcare and Good Govenance High Integrity and Moral Standing of Public Servants Gold Standard Government Services - these are the Doable Long Range Goals.
With the $ 500 Million Marshall Plan provided after US and UK armies destroyed as in rubbled to the Ground most German cities with massive air bombings (see Kurt Vonnegart "Slaughterhouse 5" that is his witneness account of the Destruction of Dresden in 1944.) GERMANY RECOVERED AND rebuilt itself on its strong work ethic. They are looking to bring in a whopping 400,000 people of sorely missing Highly Skilled Workers for their Industry from outside of Germany - so one Aid Angle could be that they accept say 100,000 ok Gazans to train for these Jobs like they did with the Ukrainian war refugees when they took in 300,000 of them no problem.
The US Administration then made the Marshall Plan contingent on a True Democratic Education System that would prevent in the Future Facism to ever again rise the Power. Turns out all Societies without Consciousness Capacity Development at the Core - are Subject to The Same List of Symptoms of Human Alienation.
In short what happened when the Word bankrolled the 2 million Gazans under Hamas - this has turned out to be a Tota, l Abysmal and Horrible Foreign Policy Failure that cost hundreds of billions of US taxpayer funds!! DITTO for the Stunned 10 EU donor countries to the Gaza strip and its 2 Million now miserable Palestinian people. For what exactly was all this money "invested" to produce such a Tsunami of Concrete PAIN AND MEGA SUFFERING??
We the Women of this Generation of What is Supposed to be the Process of Moshiach (World Peace) and Redemption - delivering People everywhere from Systems of Tyranny, Oppression, Lawlessness, Far out Daily Human Sacrifice in our Barbaric and Useless Wasteful Wars - as we are soon 9 Billion humans obviously we Must NOW get to Work as in Releasing at Last our LABOR MARKET INNOVATION -'THE INTEGRATION OF LABOR' .
With that NEW working methods approach we begin then to build our NEW LIFE SYSTEMS as in Seriously Deprogramming the Mind of Behavioral Unconsciousness from its Generic Human Killer Program - responsible for ALL murders, suicides and wars!! So that has got to go to course correct NOW - and tell the TRUTH:
No more! We will do all in our Power with a Million committed Activists perhaps soon 10 then 100 Million and its $ 100 per month per Activist for purchasing NOW Macrotech (sm) 1st Round Stock Options for 2025 - so we can on top of this Global Cabal of the Enemies of Israel - created unfortunately by our own Sins/Errors of Ommission and Commission as Jews and we are paying now a Big Heavy Price for the Collective Failure to serve in the Higher Truth. Together.
Basically whosoever in the US State Department cleared public funds to get transferred to the designated since 2015 as a Terrorist organization e.g. Hamas and thus apparently out something like $ 5 and $ 4 Billionn respectably into Hamas bosses private Bank accounts - needs to be sued retroactively for Aiding and Abetting Genocide and Severe Child Abuse - enough already of the Hard evidence of young boys forced to watch Hamas training camp live beheadings - enough.
So why does the West want to unconsciously Destroy Israel ? Or is that still not clear? See The Hamas Founding Charter, from Egypt August 18th 1988. Its a lot of "sin" and "evil" all piled together in one Gigantic now Brewing Perfect Global Storm...
"When all the governments of the world have become wicked, then and only then the amoral, de facto G-dless as in no Consciousness Capacity - then the Messiah will arrive - and even our Uber-Wealthy Club of Billionaires - even though they obviously achieve Wealth on the Power of their Natural Intelligence and Consciousness Capacity - yet all still lack the Critical Insight that unless we actively - and with Constructive NEW policy and legal reform of our systems of government - we are doomed to Self-Destruct and Completely Miss the Final Call of the Redemption LIFE BOAT.
The good news is: everyone who really wants to has a Life Vest together with his cabin and friendly staff supporting onboarding by Macrotech (sm) friendly and focussed Service Agents and receives the Full 10 Year Investment Plan Option plus access to all Training CONTENT and Exams for Certification and Empowerment to Serve as a Leader in their Business, Faith Community and Extended Family/Clan and Neighbourhood.
So hang in there - we are working here from Israel to Deliver the Comprehensive Array of Solutions a.s.a.p. .for all the Ones who will eagerly Join us - as we offer a Concrete Roadmap to a "Do it yourself Redemption" simple 101 Basic Course in Identity Resolution (IR) and Receiving, to Give (sm) our Innate Ability to Hear and Properly See and Understand - what Divine Source within is Revealing to us - to succeed in Serving in the Higher Truth - TOGETHER.
Blessings for a Good Start of the week for us here in Israel - and for those having Sunday off from week - invest your day off in Sacred Appreciation of Life's Blessings and Give Thanks.
Much Love and Blessings,
Mrs. Hannah Porat
Senior Partner - Macrotech (sm)