And that is the Truth stark as it is — we have no Peace Partners — we have a Competitor Group for Ownership of the Land of Israel — which they assert
Now those are explicit Death Threats in the Name of A Deity they Claim is G-d, except so much of what this Allah commanded the Arabs is Rubbish. And who if at all only revealed Himself to ONE man on earth only: You guessed it — that was Muhammed — the Great Muslim Prophhet — a Young Man with Epilepsy working as a cameldriver in a Caravan of Jews going South to Saudi Arabia . So as he worked for them, that way literally along the Way he learned from conversations with them about the Torah they regarded as their Sacred Heritage and Divine Mission. You know the long and cold star studded nights in the Arabian desert — there is a lot of time to talk about G-d for hours..
And you if the Torah Observant G-D fearing and G-d reliant Jews are Right — could be — anything is possible — and if indeed Am Israel has returned to the Land of Israel by Divine Decree and Prophecy as this is His Plan for The Redemption of Humanity- from the Sickness of Soul which is Alienation from Source “Creator G-d” — do you Trust in G-d’s Work here on Earth ? Say G-d really is the one behind the Ingathering of the Jews into the Land of Israel. Then all those who fight G-d and His Divine Plan — are on the Wrong Side of History. You bet the One who Created the Set-Up knows what He is doing at every moment.
So which brings us back to the Much coveted Holy Land of Israel and what exactly IS HOLY about it — just for your Information it receives e.g gets 3/4 of the Entire Planetary Divine Shefa Energy — while the 200 Nations out there in the other Land Receive only One Quarter of the Shefa Energy — a Huge Spiritual Drop in Energy for them which is why they covet the Land of Israel. More Energy you know…its worth a lot to Get more Energy..
However dear respected Followers of the Entity you call “Allah” and His Messenger the Noble Prophet Muhammed . There is hope for you guys in the other Lands: if you do what you are meant to do which is listen to US the Jews and hear why and wgat we need to Teach to you -now — then you will have also have lots of Shefa Energy also in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Westbank, Gaza, and Egypt, Tunisia etc..
However you need to first have a Change of Mind and Heart…in other Words you guys and your Women need to all receive an Opportunity for Spiritual Rehabilitation as you all also live under Divine Providence where the Sun rises and the Sun and we are all comnanded Jews and Arabs to bring Honor to Blessed,Creator God through our Thoughts, Words, and Actions. How much honor have we all given to G-d ?
WE NOW CHOSE TO MOVE Away from the extremists “angry children the Children of Angry Children” Revenge plot of their Belligerent, stomach-churning, Self-Rigtheous, Hatred-Driven, Murderous, Libelous and Neverending hell-bent on destroying Israel Path of Wreckage and Bestial Carnage, and they have succeeded courtesy of Qatar cash bribes in finding LOTS of Bully Buddies of Heads of Failed States who all put up with This Insanity -Russia, Qatar, Hizballah, Iran etc.. of a Deranged Nation or People the Militant genocidal Palestinians, who have hi-jacked literally the Entire Global International Order for your Barbaric Blood-Feud with the People of Israel — whom G-d made into Your de facto Masters and Bosses for His own Reasons and Plans . And that is True Will — and that is the Truth you must honor and serve with Authentic Israel in the Higher Truth.
And so as hard as it is for your Male Arab Macho False Pride to do what your Faith is all about — namely ‘Surrender’ as in Islam — or Complete submission to the Divine Will , and to accept the Souvereignty of Am Israel over the Land of Israel and Join us in our Study Circles where we teach you about soon the 2 critical skills — one the Universal Part of Torah — the other what is Sustainable Consciousness and what is Identity Resolution..and what is to be done to Uproot the Human Killer Program that plagues your Society and to which you in your Deep Nihilism literally sacrifice your own Children.
You Guys need Help and we are Here to Deliver it now…so we can get on with the Real Purpose of oue Life,- to Serve our one Creator G-d with one Shoulder in Unity, Mutual Respect and in Humility.
Listen o Israel HaShem our G-d is also the G-d for all Palestinians and we are obligated to Make a Kiddush HaShem by Teaching them the Universal Part of the Torah aka the 7 Noahide Laws. And by boldly lobbying for Educational Policy Reform for all K-12 Learners to be guided from now on by SHD policy for fostering A shared NEW human capacity that of Sustainable Consciousness the Secret Sauce of Human Thriving and Success.
Even when Feisal Husseini the Jerusalem Islamo-Fascist Leader showed up in Berlin to brainstorm with Adolf Hitler on the Final Solution to the “Jewish question/problem” that too “came from G-d!” As does our Better Solution which is Authentic Tshuvah for All People and Restoration of our Souls soon be back in Full Glory and Strength.
Isn’t it weird how indeed we Jews again and again must experience on our Bodies, Families, Synagogues etc Businesses the Venomous Hatred , Envy, Jealousy, Resentment and Contempt which the Gentiles who are Unconscious have for Authentic Israel.. yes indeed in Every Generation there are those who rise up and Annihalate us…its not just Jewish Paranoia — its Lived Reality…no?
So for Jews as a Distinct and Viewed as Privileged Snobbish and Arrogant Minority among the Nations — they have a lot to gain once they change their PR — Marketing and in General their Self-Image and their Torah guided Public Relations and a Humanomics (sm) informed Perspective on the Hitherto Impossible to Solve Fight between Goliath and David — two very unequal actors in an asymetric battle.
Hint: the lesson of that Story is that a Little bit of Natural Intelligence solves the Big Problem in an elegant and affordable Solution. So let’s use a Little bit of our Brilliant Yiddishe Kopp to think in a more Innovative Fashion — as what we the Torah world can DO as Leaders and Ambassadors of HaShem in this World — to Promote our Solution The Humanomics (sm) Vision to the Foreign Governments who afterall have funded and invested in the Gaza Fiasko a whopping # $ 100 Billion of Public Tax Funds -
Yet this Underwriting of Jihadi Islamicist Genocide of Jews by the 10 EU Donor Countries and by the US — is actually bizarre and irrational — as they all have tons of problems themselves on their hometurf with Violent Extremistic Fascist Islamicism -and please listen up : it is NOT a religion — its a sickness of Mind and Soul, and it Bears ONLY THE POISON FRUITS OF BASELESS HATRED, AND TERROR, DEATH AND WAR. So the way we get rid of this dysfunctional Extremely Nihilistic Ideology — is we dry up the Funding for it — and energetically lobby for the next 5 to 7 years with our 500,000 member strong Lobby of Jewish Women, Wives, Mothers, Grand and Great GrantdMothers to lead from the Front and thus to Create Safety and Sanity in the land of Israel. How?
BY Passing of Laws that will be Implemented as in Urgently Needed Legal and Policy Reforms- FINALLY defining new SHD criteria and Metrics for ALL further sponsorship of Palestinians and humanitarian aid for their two Liberation Movements , THE PA and the Hamas.
Meaning Palestinian guys : either Reform NOW and sign on the dotted line that you give up Jihad and wanting to be Shahidi , then we will help you financially — with a clear plan to get you all self-sufficient within 5 to 7 years. Time is up and its time now for you guys to WORK like the rest of us guys — who with our Labor Taxes (56% in Germany) are the ones financing your Insane Jihad against Israel. And yes we are tired now and do not want to work our butt off — so you guys get $ 100 Billion in public funds to attack and seek the Destruction of G-d’s Chosen Am Segulah People. What does Segula Bechirah actually Mean? It means they are empowered and endowed for all Time to Lead from the Front — its a Huge Responsibility!
That’s it and therefore we 12 reps of Worldwide United Torah Judaism will form a Powerful NEW lobby for Leading the Educational Policy Reform K — 12 according to which not one Eurocent or USD can legally be spent on Fundamentalist Radical Islamo-Fascist Jihad hell-bent Arab pure Nihilism. That is our 10 Year Goal with a Lobby that has 500,000 members all signed up, all putting in 100 nis a month and we put Islamo Fasciscm as a Business Programme out of Business and Replace it with our NEW Laws and Policies of Funding of Tax Money ONLY for the Humanomics (sm) VISION. As its about building a new LIFE SYSTEM NOW.
As in Behavioral Unconsciousness they the Unconscious Arabs-Palestinians actually want to leave this LIFE and DIE , and then they also want the JEWS to DIE in the Ultimate Arab Addiction to the Human Killer Program — and then the Suicide Ticket of Becoming a Shahid , and the Despicable “Pay to Slay’ PA Official Policy- what a Total Perversion of Human Life.. so that is where the Torah World United Power Lobby will now empower our reps to lobby in the EU governments for the Adoption of the NEW Law that mandates a policy of state-and tax funds Sponsorship ONLY of Reform Islam and of Moderate Golden Mean Path in Religious Life — avoiding the Mental Traps of Extremism and Fanaticism. No more Public Money for Nihilism, Genocide and Jihad — we do not want it. We have alk had ENOUGH of the Terror on Jewish Life these very hard past 40 years 4 decades — Dai! MASPIK! HALLAS! Its Enough now.
And we have the Solution, which is our Identity Resolution (IR) Educational Curriculum made Mandatory with one to two hours per day for all K-12 Learners in Public Schools…as we are having their children in our Schools anyways and as they have come to us and to Our Land — so we have the Right as the Hosts and owner to demand their Obedience and loyalty. Not to a men-made warped Ideology no to Selfless Service in the Higher Truth — ONE G-d the G-d of TRUTH.
So we can lead from the Front now and confidently prepare for our Trip to Berlin…in August for 10 Days. It will all work Out and we are ramping up in Full Confidence that G-d almighty will crown our Efforts on Behalf of Sanity and Healing for the Dysfunctional Human Family — that the Generic Human Killer Program goes out of Business via Successful Lobbying -that we receive now $ 100 Million by our Founding Mothers here in Israel — to really get to WORK — the Moment we close out all funding and make it legally Impossible for Public Funds to be given to Nihilists. We have WON.
Thank you HaShem for Your Great and Mighty Deliverance from the Affliction of Evil in the Minds of Human Being and Lets make it as simple as 1 and 1 is 2:
Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians:
If you are Good e.g. Moral and Respect Israel — you continue enjoying a peaceful time and social benefits and some free money.
And if you are bad e.g.Murderous Intent and Disrespect Israel — you loose all acess to any government funds and we will dry up.all other benefits provided to you until now by the Western democracies.
You will be out in the Cold we will eventually mandate you to migrate to Planet Mars on Starlink — there you can then do whatever you want — just leave us peaceloving and working men alone from now on. Remember we go to to work while you guys are freeloaders and make babies you can’t provide for their needs as they grow up and then you indoctrinate them to go Suicide as Shahidim for the Cause — you do NOT know what LOVE is.
SO THATV and massive Social Pressure that will solve the Problem fast and will also save a ton of Money and Head and Heartache.. I garantuee it. Margaret Mead is my Patron Saint in this. She described the Belligerent Tribe on One of the Samoan Islands. Gone Ballistic…very aggressive very alienated out of it guys whi suprise have extreme contempt for women and for childcare chores like changing a baby’s diapers
While on the nextdoor Samoan Island — the native guys were the Exact Opposite — Peaceful, helpful, resoectful of their wives, considerate and ready to serve the Infant their own Child in Humility and Love. By changing its cloth diaper.
Now those are real men. And once you learn more Torah from us — you will alsi have more Peace at home with your wives. Trust me we have A Torah that is Truly Awesome and works wonders in Domestic Peace and Harmony — hint you will learn about it and it will change your LIFE for good.