We have just started a new Jewish year and this time instead of esoteric goals like “being a better Jew” - praying better or doing G-d’s commandments better I have declared that after 13 years of intense and chronic “Giving, to Receive” people pleasing, carrying my own 5 children plus an assorted medley of highly needy and dysfunctional so-called friends on my heart and my pocketbook - this year when I turn 57 will be about ME ONLY.
This means the self-destructive “omission of self” that even as a smart university educated lady I could not beat when I became a mom and the eons old female self-sacrifice mode kicked in - is out - and the next 365 days are about ME deliberately and steadily unloading ALL responsibilities for 4 young adults (aged 28, 27, 25, 24) from my schedule and entirely over to them - including everyone pays for their own cell phone bills on their own bank accounts - and I do the ADULT actions like : saving money each month for ME, working on my 4 books for publication and for successful sales, getting back into shape, putting music onto myself waterproof Music Device for the Pool etc etc... and the one guy at 27 still living at home will need to contribute $ 300 a month for room and board and living expenses.
And those “friends” that I gave to - will all repay me and those funds again go to my Nest Egg. Motherhood on one’s own without a working husband who contributes is basically a form of insanity unless the young adults really get now that they are all to stand on their own two feet economically and NO mother’s money will NOT be available at all.